Alkaline Pigment Removal Training Online


A Revolution In PMU Removal Procedures

Highly effective combination of Aloor® Alkaline Removal & Fibroblasting

Safety and effectiveness are the two aspects to describe the super powers of Aloor® AlkaPlasm removal system. 

The creation of AlkaPlasm, presents a novel approach in the field of skin treatments, particularly focusing on pigment removal. This technique combines the application of an alkaline solution with plasma treatment, aiming to offer several benefits over traditional methods.

Aloor® Plasma Features

Aloor® Plasma Treatment in combination with an Alkaline Removal Solution intensifies the Removal Process and plays a huge role in the Skin Rejuvenation Process. 
When combined with plasma treatment, which stimulates skin regeneration and healing, the result could be a more efficient and thorough removal of unwanted pigments.

Aloor® Removal Features

The alkaline solution helps in breaking down pigments more effectively than standard solutions, due to its pH level that disrupts pigment structures.
Alkaline works on various pigments and offers a more versatile solution. 

Whether dealing with different colors or stubborn inks, alkaline removal proves its adaptability. 

Enhanced Effectiveness 

The alkaline solution helps breaking down pigments more effectively than standard solutions, due to its pH level that disrupts pigment structures. When combined with plasma treatment, which stimulates skin regeneration and healing, the result is more efficient and thorough removal of unwanted pigments.

Reduced Risk of Scarring & Faster Recovery

The 2-step process promotes accelerated healing and collagen production, reducing scarring from pigment removal.

Enhanced healing from plasma treatment leads to a quicker reduction of inflammation and discomfort.

 Enhanced Skin Quality & No Side Effects

Beyond just removing pigments, the combination of alkaline solution and plasma treatment also improves overall skin texture and tone. 

Both alkaline solutions and plasma treatments are known for their minimal side effects compared to more invasive pigment removal methods.

Before & After

Online Training Program

Manual & Machine Application Methods

This online training is a previously recorded Live Treatment demonstration on a model, which was not edited. The instructor explains the steps and answers questions as the session goes.

Aloor® Pigment removal online training is packed with detailed information including step-by-step application, aftercare, most important rules, contraindications, and much more. 

  • HD Video

    High quality presentation and demonstration video

  • AlkaPlasm™ 

    Revolutional Removal Method Step-by-Step

  • Aloor® Alkaline Removal

     Alkaline Removal Treatment Demonstration Step-by-Step

  • Skin Care

    Aftercare & Skin Types Solutions

  • Removal Types

    Short intro into the difference between acid, saline and alkaline removal methods

  • Trainers Opportunity

    Spread the knowledge to your local artists and worldwide

ALKAPLASM™ In Person Training Program

We are thrilled to extend to you an exclusive invitation to our upcoming training event on the revolutionary AlkaPlasm technique, a groundbreaking approach to pigment removal and skin rejuvenation.

Highlights of the Training:

* Comprehensive Understanding: Gain in-depth knowledge of the AlkaPlasm technique, from the science behind the alkaline solution and plasma treatment to practical applications.

* Hands-On Experience: Participate in live demonstrations and hands-on sessions led by Aleksandra Maniuse, the innovator behind AlkaPlasm.

* Certification: Receive official certification upon completion, acknowledging your proficiency in this cutting-edge technique.

* Networking Opportunity: Connect with fellow professionals and industry experts in an enriching environment.

AlkaPlasm™ Instructor Opportunities 

* AlkaPlasm™ Training Online, Kit and Manuals Included

Meet Your Instructor


My name is Aleksandra Maniuse. I am the creator and owner of Deluxe Brows®, Henna Brow Art, and AloorBeaute® brands. I have specialized in permanent makeup since 2014. I have developed several unique techniques and products, written an extensive PMU knowledge book, trained thousands of students worldwide, performed thousands of treatments, created numerous coaching programs, and, most importantly, have changed my whole life with the help of permanent makeup. 

Permanent makeup is a very special career. It involves not just a technique and skills. It is not just another business. It takes a lot of courage, determination, open mind, willingness and open heart to be a part of changes in your clients and students life. 

I believe in high quality and best results, that's why I offer extensive trainings in small groups with the mandatory preparation online.

Removal Online Course

 + Aloor® Solution

Aloor® Alkaline Removal Course
Aloor® Alkaline Solution Kit
Downloadable Materials


AlkaPlasm™ Online Course

 + Aloor® Solution

Aloor® Alkaline Removal Course
AlkaPlasm™ Course
Aloor® Alkaline Solution Kit
Downloadable Materials


AlkaPlasm™ Course

+ AlkaPlasm™ Kit

Aloor® Alkaline Removal Course
AlkaPlasm™ Course
Aloor® Alkaline Solution Kit
AlkaPlasm™ Kit
Downloadable Materials


AlkaPlasm™ In Person Training

Comprehensive Theory & Practice
Treatment Demo
Hands-on Models
Aloor® Alkaline Removal Course
AlkaPlasm™ Course
Aloor® Alkaline Solution Kit
AlkaPlasm™ Kit
Downloadable Materials
